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Finding A Place To Hunt
If you are looking for a hunting lease and don't know where to start, don't fret. Finding a hunting lease isn't as difficult as you might imagine. You'll be best served by starting your search in April or May. This is the time when the previous year's lease holders begin to relinquish properties. Try to nab these leases before they are listed on the Internet as the cream of the crop will go fast. Below, we outline a few ways to procure a hunting lease and what to look for when choosing between the different options.
Lease From A Hunting Lease Company
Obtaining a hunting lease through a land broker is an incredibly viable option. A hunting lease company obtains a fee for managing a property's lease. Plenty of hunters go through a land broker to obtain a tract of land within a highly regarded hunting space.
Lease From A Forester
Sometimes timber companies manage inactive forests that can be leased for hunting. Certain consulting foresters have valuable information regarding hunting leases. You can search these foresters by visiting The Association of Consulting Foresters of America's website.
Lease From An Individual
Check out your local newspaper's classified ads and look for sale signs that advertise sizable acreage. Shopping for a hunting lease from an individual is a little bit like going to a mom and pop style store. While there's few products, they have what's needed and the customer service is unparalleled. The AHLA can help you with this meithod by providing you with a Hunting Lease Liability policy and a written lease agreement.
Permit Only Hunts
Several states offer permit hunting opportunities. Any licensed hunter can purchase a permit for a hunting space for a small fee. The time on the property will be limited and he'll have to pay the fee each time he wants to hunt on that land. Such fees and time constraints will scare off some hunters while others don't mind these inconveniences.
Draw Hunts
Lottery or draw hunts group hunters together and draw names for the right to partake in a hunt on a particular piece of land. Draw hunts are found in a variety of places like nature preserves, city parks etc. While the chances of a hunter's name being drawn is typically low, the payoff is enormous. Winners of draw hunts typically have access to highly desired hunting spaces and low pressured deer.
Your Community
Don't be shy. Join local hunting groups and online forums. Some deer hunting forums have a local classified section that will list available hunting leases. Start a new topic that communicates your interest in finding a hunting lease and reply to threads to ingratiate yourself in the community. Or, join a hunting association. Most states have a bowhunters association and other officially recognized hunting groups. These clubs are often an excellent source of deer hunting opportunities. Oftentimes, the members of these organizations are viewed as a valuable local resource and given access to sizable tracts in order to control the local deer population.